Descent 3
$Id: descent.html,v 1.9 2003/03/14 17:55:59 Detlef Exp $
 -New !-

After years of playing Descent, Descent ][ and Descent 3 in single player mode, I started playing D3 online, becomming a member of Team [NuB] -- fun, fun, fun !!

I decided to set up a (small) page to share some ship logos, audio taunts and links for "newbies".

Note: this page is a 1st sketch -- keep watching for updates.

Descent Links
Team [NuB] I'm a member of Team [NuB] ("Team Newbie") -- look out for Grendel in PXO chat, that's me.
Planet Descent One of the biggest (if not THE biggest) site about Descent -- check it out !
The official Descent 3 FAQ Some very interesting information about single- and multiplayer mode, server access and more.
Outrage D3 Downloads The creators of D3 -- hopefully the place where the 1.5 patch will show up soon...
Descent 3 Help by Mobius Very comprehensive D3 help w/ ship characteristics, damage charts, tips, trick and more.
Outbound GN - Pyromania You want a Pyro GX in D3 ? Gauss cannon ? Mercury missils ? And more ? Pyromania is the answer ! While you are there, check out the other links on the page as well !
The link seems to be broken, you can get PM at Planetdescent
GLMax Chat Client You still chat from w/in D3 ? Get this client immediately !! (No kidding !)
Descent 3 Bulletin Board Where pilots meet outside PXO.
Moon's Descendarium THE single-player guide to Descent 1-3.
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Image Description
ABARTH & C. If you fly a Pyro, get it from the right manufactor ! Who want's a Porsche anyway...
Porsche Well, some do ;-)
SAAB Tank SAAB built some good stuff too -- eg. a TANK. It's actually white.
SAAB Technology SAAB Technology
SAAB Oilcan The original SAAB Sonett III oilcan -- it's actually white w/ the drop blinking red.
Alien Eye Interesting looking eye.
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© Copyright 2002-2003 by Detlef Müller, Detlef.M[at], Germany